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Tried & True Health Tips

That Really Worked

On Us Average Folks

We're Looking For After-School Snack Recipes And Tips!

Updated: Nov 9, 2018

Do you have any original, healthy recipes or health tips that you might want to share among parents with kids back in school? Send them to!

Kids are already back in school for the fall semester! For parents like me, there's a serious hunt for a variety of healthy snacks for our kids during and after school. Every year presents a puzzling challenge to offer them something that's both healthy and appetizing.

If you would like to share your original recipes or tips for after-school snacks or meals, please follow these steps:

1... Join our SaladEaters forum. It's free and easy.

2... Once you are a member, go to the forum page and find the "Blog This" category.

3... Within the "Blog This" category, post your recipe(s) and/or tips. Remember that they must be originally yours (even with a few additions and tweaks to claim it as your own creation) and it must be healthy. Healthy. That's a given, right?

4... Include your name or screen name (if you'd like anonymity) and any website and/or book that promotes you as a blogger or author. Yes, we support our fellow bloggers and authors from elsewhere.

5... If you'd like us to send you the recipe/tip after it's published, provide us with your email address. Should we approve your submission, we'd love to know that you'd like to share it!

6... Be advised that following these guidelines increases the chance of your submission being approved and published. There is no limit to the number of submissions that we are willing to publish. So, take your chances. If we approve of 200 submissions, we plan to share 200 submissions.

7... Because we plan to continue posting these recipes until October 31, after which we change our theme to "Holiday Recipes" on which we can notify SaladEaters visitors, there is no set deadline. We plan to add all approved recipes/tips every Monday morning until our back-to-school theme is over.

8... Unless they violate our guidelines or code of values, we plan to keep all recipes/tips posted on the "Blog This" category to ensure they are still shared. Our Exception: We don't promote Halloween themes, tips, or recipes. Thanks for respecting our values.

9... Spread the word to anyone who might want to participate.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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